Lion's Head

Lion's Head is a little community on the Bruce Pennisula. It is a great place for a quiet weekend getaway in the summer.

The photos

The photos are taken from around Lion's Head on the east side of the pennisula, a nearby community over on the west side of pennisula, and from Greig's Caves - which are notable for their use in the movie, Quest For Fire

Hope you enjoy the photos!


I am not a professional photographer, and as such have no expectation that my work will be valued by anyone other than me. If you do value it enough to take a copy, send me a note and tell me. Unless you are using it to fund your illicit arms dealing program, or use as the poster-child for a venereal disease, I'm likely to be happy to let you have it for free. More over, I'm thrilled to have someone compliment my work. A little praise goes a long way.

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