Blue's Movie And Book Reviews

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Name: Blue
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Friday, March 27, 2009

Banewreaker - Jacqueline Carey

A battle about a wounded god, the multi-race forces aligned against him, and his own allies struggle against prophecy.

ISBN: 978-0765344298
format: Paperback
pages: 512
publisher: Tor Fantasy
pub. date: 2005-08-02
started reading: 2009-03-19
finished reading: 2009-03-27

Carey should have stuck to the Kushiel series. That series is one of my favourties, whereas this book is a retelling of the Lord Of The Rings. And while it is arguable that Carey is in someways a more enjoyable writer, even her deep and wonderful character development from the Kushiel series is only softly mirrored in this book where the characters seem at times almost too contrived.

I can only hope that this is a piece of writing that she did before Kushiel and that made its way to publication after she achieved some degree of success.

It's good enough to be enjoyable as a light read, but certainly not what I would expect.


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