Blue's Movie And Book Reviews

A small subsite where I can leave my thoughts on the books and movies which I read. It's more for my benefit than yours, but your welcome to contribute, agree or disagree as you see fit.

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Name: Blue
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Friday, February 27, 2009

Shadow's Edge - Brent Weeks

The perfect killer has no identity.

ISBN: 978-0316033657
format: Paperback
pages: 656
publisher: Orbit
pub. date: 2008-11-01
started reading: 2009-02-19
finished reading: 2009-02-22

Once again, Weeks writes a book that is hard to put down. Though some of the twists and turns you see coming, in general I found that he manages to catch you off guard just often enough to keep you guessing and engaged. This is the sort of book for people who like a read that you can't put down to go to sleep at the end of the day.
While this is very much a classic tale of Good vs. Evil, what makes it compelling is all the shades of grey inbetween... after all, our hero is a killer, his best friends a mixture of royalty and street vermin, and his idol the most feared man of all time... or maybe not.
Filled with fun characters, it is a good continuation of the first book in the series.


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