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Name: Blue
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Feast Of Souls - C.S. Friedman

C.S. Friedman's latest book is the first in a new trilogy called the Magisters Trilogy. It promises to be a good example of the epic fantasy genre

ISBN: 9780756404635
format: Paperback
pages: 576
publisher: DAW
pub. date: 2008-02-05
started reading: 2008-12-11
finished reading: 2008-12-14

First, let me state that C.S. Friedman is the author of one of my favorite series of all time. Or at least, one of my favorite characters. In the Coldfire Trilogy, he depiction of a man who is at the same time the founder of a 'good' religion, as well as being a person utterly consumed by 'evil', is one of the best characters to ever walk that fine line between black and white. So, when I saw she was set to release another series, I couldn't help but be interested.

Thankfully, she did not let me down.

This new world that she creates is fantastic for having created a system of magic that, by its very nature, makes every practitioner of it walk that fine line between black and white. If you could save a village at the expense of one man's life... would you? If you could spare a child from illness at the expense of 5 minutes of your own life... would you? What if it were 5 minutes of someone else's life whom you didn't know? What if you did know them?

These are the sorts of moral dilema's that Friedman sets her story against. Where two types of practicioners of magic exist - those who consume themselves, and those who consume others. The almost vampire-like ability of the second group is revealed through the main character, who just happens to be the first female to ever achieve that ability.

Add to the mix political intrigue, a rebellous prince, a love story, an ancient enemy reawakened, and a wide cast of characters and subplots and you have the sort of epic fantasy that makes the genre worthwhile.

The second book in the series is due out this coming year and I am looking forward to seeing where Friedman takes this series.


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