Blue's Movie And Book Reviews

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Name: Blue
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Movie - Hitch - Directed by Andy Tenant

Many people I know are instantly turned off by any movie starring Will Smith. While I don't personally share this sentiment, I understand their reaction. They don't like the typically trash-talkin' blusting characters that he plays.

Will Smith's career, over the past few years, has become synonymous with the word "trash talkin' action". Summer blockbusters such as "Wild West", "I, Robot," "Bad Boys," "Men in Black," "Enemy of the State" and, of course, "Independence Day" are what Smith has become best known for.

But, Smith's roots go back to a wildly popular TV show called "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air". And those roots are comedy bound and yet, with his easygoing and likable manner, ideal for a romantic comedy like "Hitch." After all, the TV show which in later years was heavily influenced by Smith as he came of age, often carried more tender and touching plots along with the slapstick comedy.

As a result, Hitch turns out to be a pleasant surprise for a winter doldrums movie. It is a well-written, nicely paced romantic comedy that puts the accent on comedy.

Smith portrays Alex Hitchens, the "date doctor" or the guy you call when you need help getting noticed by the girl of your dreams. Although he doesn't promise to find you love, he will guarantee to provide you with the "opportunity" to make contact. What you do with it from there is up to you.

For guys, and ladies to I would imagine, it's easy to sympathize with Hitch's client - Albert - because we've all been in his shoes to some degree or another. And let's face it, dating is one of the world's most awkward social intricacies for the vast majority of us.

The movie is really an ensemble cast and avoids focusing solely on Smith as well, giving it a much richer feel and allowing a good deal of character development thoughout.

Cleverly writen by Kevin Bisch and directed by Andy Tenant, Hitch is a movie worth seeing.


Blogger RunIntoFenceRundell said...

I've always been a fan of Will Smith and thought he did a great job in this movie too but didn't leave as big of an impression on me as much as he did in MIB.

The person that DID make a lasting impression on me however was Kevin James. I've watched a lot of King of Queens episodes (which AMAZINGLY has been on since 1998!) and have always found him funny, but what he did in Hitch blew me away. A very memorable character for me.

11:57 AM  

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