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"I exist for no man and I ask no man to exist for me." - Ayn Rand Independant people are the best and always welcome as friends. |
You have to admit that having web space devoted to oneself is nothing more than an exercise in bulding one's ego. A virtually unlimited audience who, for the most part, can not comfirm or deny anything you write about yourself.
With that in mind, I am a strikingly handsome male specimen of the species. Tall, dark and charming. Almost god-like in my physique. Powerfully built and well... er... endowed. Not only that, but I can shoot lightening bolts from my fingertips and run though the sky.
Alright, maybe that isn't quite accurate. But at least the male part was true.
The truth, and it is the truth, after all who would lie to invent this, is that I am a fairly typical young Canadian male in his mid-twenties. If you are really interested in my specific detials feel free to look. Unfortunately, I hate to disappoint you. I can only leap small buildings in a single bound. Very small buildings.
Of course I do have lots of other useful skills. My hobbies are plentiful and varied. I enjoy cycling and playing ultimate. I collect just about anything. Some people, namely my Mom, have called me a pack rat. I just prefer to think that I can find value and use for things others can't.
My most notable collection would likely be my Canadian stamp collection which has issues dateing back to the late 1800's. It might be a stretch to call myself a philatelist. The collection was started by my father and grandfather and passed down to me. One day I hope to pass it on to my children. Speaking of phil words, I've always wanted to take up philanthropy as a hobby. If you have an extra million or two you aren't using, please let me know and I'll find a good place to put it to work.
I have to confess to loving games and puzzles of almost all kinds. Further confession would force me to admit that I have wasted all kinds of hours on computer games in my life. Please don't get an impression of me as someone who enjoys sitting in front of a computer all day though. I love going out and do so at almost every opportunity. Whether to a see a theatre show at the Stradford Festival, concert by Toronto's Symphony or the latest rock band, fine dining at some of the best restaurants, camping and hiking or a host of other pastimes, I'm happiest when I'm doing something.
I also enjoy cooking, reading and writing, and I always have several projects and trips, in various stages of planning, on the go. Oh, did I mention that I play several instruments as well? I have some skill with a trumpet. Clarinet, banjo, guitar, other brass instruments and sax are just a few of the instruments I've dabbled with over the years. Piano is my first love though and what I always come back to. If you happen to have an extra piano that you don't need anymore, please let me know. I'd be happy to take it off your hands.
Though I had a couple of relationships during my time at university, I've never found that one special person. I remember once writing an article on the subject of who my ideal love would be for a small paper on the campus. I wrote lots of other articles for them too at various points, many during my time as an elected student leader. But that is another story entirely. Regarding my ideal match, I don't know if I will ever find her or not. I don't really worry about it though. Something tells me that I may be a very old man and still single. My mother always used to say that there are plenty of fish in the sea. Of course, I've always prefered women to fish. No accounting for some tastes.
If you are looking for all the low down dirty gossip on my relationships, the post-teen angst, the online copy of the break up letters... you'll be disappointed. I've always had good relationships and remain on good terms with everyone I've ever dated. If my comments on relationships here don't suffice to answer your questions though, or you simply disbelieve me, you can wander on to the Third Era. That is where I deal with the acquaintances I've known in this life and the rare opportunities I've had to create something great. I must warn you though, if you didn't read the article, you may want to. If you can make it through that without vomiting at the mushyness, you can probably handle anything else I have.